Accepts an object of type T and key of type K extends keyof T. Removes property from an object and returns a shallow copy of the updated object without specified property. If property not found returns copy of the original object. Not mutating original object.
const cat = { id: 1, type: 'cat', name: 'Fluffy' };
const anonymousCat = deleteProp(cat, 'name');
// anonymousCat will be:
// {id: 1, type: 'cat'};
// Usage with RxState
export class ProfileComponent {
readonly removeName$ = new Subject();
constructor(private state: RxState<ComponentState>) {
// Reactive implementation
state.connect(this.removeName$, (state) => {
return deleteProp(state, 'name');
// Imperative implementation
removeName(): void {
this.state.set(remove(this.get(), 'name'));
Edge cases
deleteProp(state, null as any) > state;
deleteProp(null as any, null as any) > null;
deleteProp(undefined as any, undefined as any) > undefined;
deleteProp(nonObject, 'prop') > nonObject;
function deleteProp<T extends object, K extends keyof T>(
object: T,
key: K
): Omit<T, K>;