📄️ no-explicit-change-detection-apis
Detects all explicit calls of change detection APIs.
📄️ no-rxstate-imperative-in-reactive
Warns against mixing imperative RxState methods in reactive methods.
📄️ no-rxstate-imperative-in-reactive
Warns against using RxState subscription methods outside constructor.
📄️ no-zone-critical-browser-apis
Detects all scheduling APIs (setTimeout, setInterval, requestAnimationFrame).
📄️ no-zone-critical-lodash-apis
Detects Zone related lodash APIs.
📄️ no-zone-critical-rxjs-creation-apis
Detects Zone critical RxJS creation APIs.
📄️ no-zone-critical-rxjs-operators
Detects Zone critical RxJS operators.
📄️ no-zone-critical-rxjs-schedulers
Detects all RxJS schedulers.
📄️ no-zone-run-apis
Detects Zone.run APIs.
📄️ prefer-no-layout-sensitive-apis
Detects all layout sensitive APIs that may cause style recalculation.
📄️ prefer-no-lodash-clone-deep
Detects all usages of cloneDeep from Lodash.
📄️ prefer-no-lodash-is-equal
Detects all usages of isEqual from Lodash.