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The push pipe serves as a drop-in replacement for the async pipe.

The current way of binding an observable to the view looks like that:

{{ observable$ | async }}

<ng-container *ngIf="observable$ | async as o">{{ o }}</ng-container>

<component [value]="observable$ | async" />

Problems with async pipe​

async pipe just marks the component and all its ancestors as dirty. It needs zone.js microtask queue to exhaust until ApplicationRef.tick is called to render all dirty marked components and does not work in zone-less mode.


push pipe solves that problem. It contains intelligent handling of change detection by leveraging a RenderStrategy under the hood, which in turn, takes care of optimizing the ChangeDetection of your component. The push pipe can be used in zone-full as well as zone-less mode without any changes to the code.


<hero-search [term]="searchTerm$ | push" /> <hero-list-component [heroes]="heroes$ | push" />

The rendering behavior can be configured per RxPush instance using the strategy parameter.


<hero-search [term]="searchTerm$ | push: 'global'" /> <hero-list-component [heroes]="heroes$ | push: 'global'" />

Included features​

  • Take observables or promises, retrieve their values and render the value to the template
  • Handling null and undefined values in a clean unified/structured way
  • Distinct same values in a row to increase performance
  • Coalescing of change detection calls to boost performance
  • Lazy rendering (see RxLet)
  • Chunked rendering


class RxPush<U> implements PipeTransform, OnDestroy {
constructor(strategyProvider: RxStrategyProvider, cdRef: ChangeDetectorRef)
transform(potentialObservable: null, config?: string | Observable<string>) => null;
transform(potentialObservable: undefined, config?: string | Observable<string>) => undefined;
transform(potentialObservable: ObservableInput<U>, config?: string | Observable<string>) => U;
transform(potentialObservable: ObservableInput<U> | null | undefined, config: string | Observable<string> | undefined) => U | null | undefined;
ngOnDestroy() => void;