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In order to switch a template based on an observable condition, developers are forced to use *ngIf in addition to the async pipe in the template. This leads to a variety of different issues, to name a few:

  • it will only update the template when NgZone is also aware of the value change
  • it leads to over rendering because it can only run global change detection
  • it leads to too many subscriptions in the template
  • it is cumbersome to work with values in the template

Read more about rendering issues with native angular change detection.

The RxIf directive serves as a drop-in replacement for the NgIf directive, but with additional features. RxIf allows you to bind observables directly without having the need of using the async pipe in addition.

This enables rxIf to completely operate on its own without having to interact with NgZone or triggering global change detection.

<app-item *rxIf="show">
<app-item-child />
import { RxIf } from '@rx-angular/template/if';
import { signal } from '@angular/core';

imports: [RxIf],
templateUrl: './some.component.html',
standalone: true,
export class SomeComponent {
show = signal(true);



DX Features

  • context variables (error, complete, suspense)
  • context templates (error, complete, suspense)
  • context trigger
  • reduces boilerplate (multiple async pipe's)
  • works also with static variables *rxIf="true"

Performance Features

  • value binding is always present ('*ngIf hack' bugs and edge cases)
  • lazy template creation (done by render strategies)
  • triggers change-detection on EmbeddedView level
  • distinct same values in a row (over-rendering)



rxIfboolean or ObservableInput<boolean> or Signal<boolean>The observable, or signal, or value to be bound to the context of a template.

Contextual state

errorTemplateRef<RxIfViewContext>defines the template for the error state
completeTemplateRef<RxIfViewContext>defines the template for the complete state
suspenseTemplateRef<RxIfViewContext>defines the template for the suspense state
nextTriggerObservable<unknown>trigger to show next template
errorTriggerObservable<unknown>trigger to show error template
completeTriggerObservable<unknown>trigger to show complete template
suspenseTriggerObservable<unknown>trigger to show suspense template
contextTriggerObservable<RxNotificationKind>trigger to show any templates, based on the given RxNotificationKind


thenTemplateRef<RxIfViewContext>defines the template for when the bound condition is true
elseTemplateRef<RxIfViewContext>defines the template for when the bound condition is false
patchZonebooleandefault: true if set to false, the RxIf will operate out of NgZone. See NgZone optimizations
parent (deprecated)booleandefault: true if set to false, the RxIf won't inform its host component about changes being made to the template. More performant, @ViewChild and @ContentChild queries won't work. Handling view and content queries
strategyObservable<RxStrategyNames> or RxStrategyNamesdefault: normal configure the RxStrategyRenderStrategy used to detect changes.
renderCallbackSubject<boolean>giving the developer the exact timing when the RxIf created, or removed its template. Useful for situations where you need to know when rendering is done.


The RxIf can be imported as following:

import { RxIf } from '@rx-angular/template/if';

standalone: true,
imports: [RxIf],
template: `...`,
export class AnyComponent {}

Basic Usageโ€‹

โš  Notice: By default *rxIf is optimized for performance out of the box.

This includes:

  • The default render strategy is normal. This ensures non-blocking rendering but can cause other side-effects. See strategy configuration if you want to change it.
  • Creates templates lazy and manages multiple template instances

Bind Valuesโ€‹

<app-item *rxIf="show">
<app-item-child />
import { RxIf } from '@rx-angular/template/if';
import { signal } from '@angular/core';

imports: [RxIf],
templateUrl: './some.component.html',
standalone: true,
export class SomeComponent {
show = signal(true);

Using the reactive contextโ€‹


A nice feature of the *rxIf directive is, it provides 2 ways to access the reactive context state in the template:

  • context variables
  • context templates

The full reactive context (suspense, error, complete) can only be derived from Observable sources.

If you provide a Signal, only suspense & error can be derived.

Static values do not have any reactive context at all.

Context Variablesโ€‹

(!) Context variables are accessible on both, the then and else template, based on the last valid value

The following context variables are available for each template:

  • $implicit: T the default variable accessed by let val
  • error: boolean | Error
  • complete: boolean
  • suspense: boolean

You can use them like this:

Context Variables on then template

<ng-container *rxIf="customer$; let customer; let s = suspense; let e = error, let c = complete">
<loader *ngIf="s"></loader>
<error *ngIf="e"></error>
<complete *ngIf="c"></complete>

<app-customer [customer]="customer"></app-customer>

Context Variables on else template

<ng-container *rxIf="show$; else: nope; let s = suspense; let e = error, let c = complete">
<loader *ngIf="s"></loader>
<error *ngIf="e"></error>
<complete *ngIf="c"></complete>
<ng-template #nope let-s="suspense" let-e="error" let-c="complete">
<loader *ngIf="s"></loader>
<error *ngIf="e"></error>
<complete *ngIf="c"></complete>


Context Variables with then/else templates on initial rendering

valuereactive contexttemplate (both defined)template (only then)
undefinedsuspenseno renderno render
truthy primitive value (number, string, boolean, ..)nextthenthen
falsy primitive value (number, string, boolean, ..)nextelseno render
Observable emitting undefinedsuspenseelseno render
Observable or Promise not yet emitted a value (e.g Subject)suspenseno renderno render
Observable emitting truthynextthenthen
Observable emitting falsy value !== undefinednextelseno render
Observable completing after truthy value (e.g of(true))completethenthen
Observable completing after falsy (incl. undefined) value (e.g of(undefined))completeelseno render
Promise emitting truthy valuecompletethenthen
Promise emitting falsy (incl. undefined) valuecompleteelseno render
Observable throwing an error after truthy valueerrorthenthen
Observable throwing an error after falsy value (incl. undefined)errorelseno render

Context Templatesโ€‹

You can also use template anchors to display the reactive context in the template:

error: error;
complete: complete;
suspense: suspense;

<ng-template #suspense><loader></loader></ng-template>
<ng-template #error><error></error></ng-template>
<ng-template #complete><completed></completed></ng-template>

This helps in some cases to organize the template and introduces a way to make it dynamic or even lazy.

Context Templates with then/else templates on initial rendering

valuereactive contexttemplate (both defined)template (only then)
truthy primitive value (number, string, boolean, ..)nextthenthen
falsy primitive value (number, string, boolean, ..)nextelseno render
Observable emitting undefinedsuspensesuspensesuspense
Observable or Promise not yet emitted a value (e.g Subject)suspensesuspensesuspense
Observable emitting truthynextthenthen
Observable emitting falsy value !== undefinednextelseno render
Observable completing after truthy value (e.g of(true))completecompletecomplete
Observable completing after falsy (incl. undefined) value (e.g of(undefined))completecompletecomplete
Promise emitting truthy valuecompletecompletecomplete
Promise emitting falsy (incl. undefined) valuecompletecompletecomplete
Observable throwing an error after truthy valueerrorerrorerror
Observable throwing an error after falsy value (incl. undefined)errorerrorerror

Context Triggerโ€‹


Besides deriving the reactive context from the source observable, RxIf also offers an API to switch the context manually.

If applied the trigger will apply the new context state, and the directive will update the local variables, or switch to the template if one is registered.

Showing the next templateโ€‹

We can use the nextTrg input to switch back from any template to display the actual value. e.g. from the complete template back to the value display

selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<button (click)="nextTrigger$.next()">show value</button>
<ng-container *rxIf="show; complete: complete; nextTrg: nextTrigger$">
<ng-template #complete>โœ”</ng-template>
export class AppComponent {
nextTrigger$ = new Subject();
show$ =$;

Showing the error templateโ€‹

We can use the errorTrg input to switch back from any template to display the actual value. e.g. from the complete template back to the value display

selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<ng-container *rxIf="show$; let n; error: error; errorTrg: errorTrigger$">
<ng-template #error>โŒ</ng-template>
export class AppComponent {
num$ =$;
errorTrigger$ = this.state.error$;

Showing the complete templateโ€‹

We can use the completeTrg input to switch back from any template to display the actual value. e.g. from the complete template back to the value display

selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<ng-container *rxIf="show$; complete: complete; completeTrg: completeTrigger$">
<ng-template #complete>โœ”</ng-template>
export class AppComponent {
num$ =$;
completeTrigger$ = this.state.success$;

Showing the suspense templateโ€‹

We can use the suspenseTrg input to switch back from any template to display the actual value. e.g. from the complete template back to the value display

selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<input (input)="search($" />
<ng-container *rxIf="show$; suspense: suspense; suspenseTrg: suspenseTrigger$">
<ng-template #suspense>loading...</ng-template>
export class AppComponent {
show$ = this.state.items$.pipe(map((items) => items.length > 0));
suspenseTrigger$ = new Subject();

constructor(private state: globalState) {}

search(str: string) {;

Using the contextTrgโ€‹

We can use the contextTrg input to set any context. It combines the functionality of suspenseTrg, completeTrg and errorTrg in a convenient way.

selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<input (input)="search($" />
<ng-container *rxIf="show$; suspense: suspense; contextTrg: contextTrg$">
<ng-template #suspense>loading...</ng-template>
export class AppComponent {
show$ =$;
contextTrg$ = new Subject();

search(str: string) {;

Advanced Usageโ€‹

Use render strategies (strategy)โ€‹

You can change the used RenderStrategy by using the strategy input of the *rxFor. It accepts an Observable<RxStrategyNames> or RxStrategyNames.

The default value for strategy is normal.

<ng-container *rxIf="showHero$; strategy: 'userBlocking'">

<ng-container *rxIf="showHero$; strategy: strategy$">
export class AppComponent {
strategy$ = of('immediate');

Learn more about the general concept of RenderStrategies especially the section usage-in-the-template if you need more clarity.

Local strategies and view/content queries (parent)โ€‹


Deprecation warning

The parent flag being true is not needed anymore with the new signal based view queries.

The flag itself is deprecated now and will be removed in future versions.

However, for the time being: if you are already using the signal queries, you definitely want to set the parent flag to be false. We highly recommend doing so, as it reduces the amount of change detection cycles significantly, thus improving the runtime performance of your apps.

You can do so by providing a custom RxRenderStrategiesConfig, see the following example:

// import
import { provideRxRenderStrategies } from '@rx-angular/cdk/render-strategies';

// provide it, in best case on root level
providers: [
parent: false,

Structural directives maintain EmbeddedViews within a components' template. Depending on the bound value as well as the configured RxRenderStrategy, updates processed by the @rx-angular/template directives can be asynchronous.

Whenever a template gets inserted into, or removed from, its parent component, the directive has to inform the parent in order to update any view or content query (@ViewChild, @ViewChildren, @ContentChild, @ContentChildren).

This is required if your components state is dependent on its view or content children:

  • @ViewChild
  • @ViewChildren
  • @ContentChild
  • @ContentChildren

The following example will not work with a local strategy because @ViewChild, @ViewChildren, @ContentChild, @ContentChildren will not update.

To get it running with strategies like local or concurrent strategies we need to set parent to true. This is given by default. Set the value to false and it will stop working.

selector: 'app-list-component',
template: ` <div *rxIf="show$; parent: false"></div> `,
export class AppListComponent {}

Use a renderCallback to run post render processes (renderCallback)โ€‹

A notification channel of *rxIf that the fires whenever a change was rendered to the view.

This enables developers to perform actions when rendering has been done. The renderCallback is useful in situations where you rely on specific DOM properties like the dimensions of an item after it got rendered.

The renderCallback emits the latest value causing the view to update.

selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<app-item *rxIf="show$; renderCallback: rendered"> </app-item>
export class AppComponent {
show$ ='showItem');
// this emits whenever rxIf finished rendering changes
rendered = new Subject<boolean>();

constructor(elementRef: ElementRef<HTMLElement>) {
rendered.subscribe(() => {
// item is rendered, we can access its dom now

Working with event listeners (patchZone)โ€‹

Event listeners normally trigger zone. Especially high frequency events can cause performance issues.

For more details read about NgZone optimizations

selector: 'app-root',
template: ` <div *rxIf="enabled$; patchZone: false" (drag)="itemDrag($event)"></div> `,
export class AppComponent {
enabled$ ='enabled');
// As the part of the template where this function is used as event listener callback
// has `patchZone` false the all event listeners run outside zone.
itemDrag(event: DragEvent) {}


For testing we suggest to switch the CD strategy to native. This helps to exclude all side effects from special render strategies.

Basic Setupโ€‹

import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, TemplateRef, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
import { provideRxRenderStrategies } from '@rx-angular/cdk/render-strategies';
import { RxIf } from '@rx-angular/template/if';

template: ` <ng-container *rxIf="show$"> visible </ng-container> `,
class TestComponent {
show$: Observable<boolean> = of(true);

const setupTestComponent = (): void => {
declarations: [TestComponent],
imports: [RxIf],
providers: [
// don't forget to configure the primary strategy to 'native'
provideRxRenderStrategies({ primaryStrategy: 'native' }),

fixtureComponent = TestBed.createComponent(TestComponent);
component = fixtureComponent.componentInstance;
componentNativeElement = component.nativeElement;

Set default strategyโ€‹

do not forget to set the primary strategy to native in test environments

In test environments it is recommended to configure rx-angular to use the native strategy, as it will run change detection synchronously. Using the concurrent strategies is possible, but requires more effort when writing the tests, as updates will be processed asynchronously.

declarations: [],
providers: [
// don't forget to configure the primary strategy to 'native'
provideRxRenderStrategies({ primaryStrategy: 'native' }),

Here is an example using the concurrent strategies in a test environment: rxIf strategy spec


Example applications: A demo application is available on GitHub.