Local variables
Angular provides a way to bind values to the template.
For example this can be done on 2 ways, the 'as syntax' num$ | async as num
and the 'let syntax' *rxLet="num$; let num"
Both ways can reduce the usage of pipes the async
pipe (or any other pipe).
With async
<ng-container *ngIf="num$ as n">
{{ n | async }} {{ n | async}} {{ n | async}}
With *rxLet
<ng-container *rxLet="num$; let n;"> {{ n }} {{ n }} {{ n }} </ng-container>
With directive's we can now provide custom values to the consumer.
Angular does this in e.g. the *ngFor
directive with local variables like even
or odd
<ng-container *ngFor="let item in list; let e = even">
even: {{ e }}